Because they prefer to work behind the scenes, they are rarely noticed as they thwart tyrants, depose rulers, and head off any growing force that is rumored to have evil intent. Harper agents pride themselves on being incorruptible defenders of good, and they never hesitate to aid the oppressed. This clandestine network of spellcasters and spies seeks to tip the scales in favor of the innocent, the weak, and the poor within the Realms. Some are more heroic than others, but all band together in times of trouble to thwart major threats. Each faction has its own motivations, goals, and philosophy. Many characters created in the Forgotten Realms setting, especially those for organized D&D play, belong to one of five factions that have risen to prominence in the Realms.
Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk
Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse